Axé Meditation

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Author: Oleg Cherne

Axé meditation is a practice for tuning to the irrational nature of a person.

It is an integral part of African alchemy and represents knowledge about the development of the highest potential of human nature. This knowledge was available only to the priests, bambara, in Yoruba culture.

Ashe (Axé) is a unique concept fundamental to African tradition. It has many names, but most widely mentioned in capoeira. It cannot be explained in detail what Axé is, as it is an irrational concept, while at the same time real. And it takes time to comprehend and to interact with it.

Axé meditation focuses on understanding the irrational. It is a practice for harmonizing consciousness through rhythm and activating the highest form of knowledge, endowed with a particular contemplation of the world, and allowing you to acquire spiritual power.

During the ritual of Axé , we can use a specific attribute, a crown that mediums and the kings of Yoruba in Nigeria were using. It helps connect to the consciousness of the highest absolute. For this meditation, you can use African caps, which decorated with unique geometric patterns. It would enhance the work during meditation.

During Ashe meditation, you can use one of the types of percussion instrument:

In case you do not have any instrument, you can use a chair, and even the floor. The more advanced device, the better the quality of this ritual.

The peculiarity of this meditation is that it refers to working with the flow of consciousness. During online sessions, working with the rhythm while being in one flow with a group creates a unique effect of purification and harmonization of not only internal but also external space.

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