Operating system of the brain

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Author: Oleg Cherne (Gleb Du)

The brain’s operating system is what determines interest in such complex and, at the same time, captivating topic as the Oracle theme.

In our daily life, we limit the potential of our brain, though we can overcome it through practice. Advancing our abilities to manage consciously brain activity, we’ll grasp the idea of human existence which is not known to many.

The oracle art is the highest system, among known to humanity, of mastering irrational knowledge. However, this system can be comprehended by a rational approach while diving into the depth of the brain’s capability. Knowledge about the brain and its potential is the highest form of intelligence for humans, and at the same time, it is a distinctive form of experiencing the essence of things.

During The School of Oracle program, we will go through and learn in detail the structure, functionality and potential capabilities of our brain.

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