Body anatomy

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Author: Oleg Cherne

The sacral anatomy of the body is a complex, even provocative, theme. While this may sound strange, there is no complete understanding of the structure of the human body and how it works. But, how the body works inwardly predetermines the very nature of a person and not its outer appearance. For example, there is an inner body, say, the heart, but there is not enough energy in it or it is exhausted. This would cause disturbances not only in the flow of energy in the body, but also affect the functioning of the heart itself. Therefore, considering the anatomy of the body in isolation from its functioning is fruitless.

It is necessary to look at the anatomy of the body from the standpoint of the human spirit. Perhaps this sounds esoteric, and maybe it is not obvious and not substantiated. But let’s say that if a person does not feel his organ, or even does not know where it is located at all – that organ is still there, right?

The same happens with our spirit – we have it, but not so many people can perceive it. That is why anatomy is more imaginary than manifested if we cannot perceive the energy of the organs. This is the difference between our comprehension of anatomy and the perception of the ancients, who relied on an understanding of energy processes and, as a result, could perceive their spirit.

It turns out that there is a superficial understanding of anatomy and there is a profound understanding, which requires specific capacities of the brain regarding deepening and perception. Shallow understanding means that we rely on our thinking instead of feeling and experiencing.

In such a case, the anatomy of the body becomes something temporary or even accidental for us. But anatomy predetermines the attitude of the human soul – this is what subtle for us, but in fact, this is not obvious and not quite manifested.

So anatomy is defined through the lens of the physical body (which is mortal) without taking into account our subtle characteristics. It turns out that it was the anatomy from the standpoint of death or the anatomy of the dying body that gave rise to modern medicine.

What does it lead to – to achieving the level of a perfect corpse? The idea of ​​a temporary body has replaced the concept of existence after life from the position of the body. This viewpoint, this approach to anatomy, which had previously been avoided in order not to violate the nature of the spirit, began to prevail.

The modern view of anatomy is the subordination of our consciousness, our spirit to a temporary, physical body. This, naturally, led to the prevalence of the worldview concept and the entire way of life, which is aimed at maintaining, or rather, serving the body, often to the disadvantage of the human spirit. In other words, the concept “a healthy mind has a healthy body” has been replaced by the concept “a healthy body has a healthy spirit”.

Why, then, not turn to anatomy from the position of the immortal body, and not from the position of the body, which is still in order, but will one day die?

And why do we make the existence of the spirit directly dependent upon the life of the body? Why anatomically in ancient times muscles were not taken into account, but deeper energy layers were taken into account, and bones were the most important anatomical organ, understood without any dissection? And I have not even mentioned here the idea of the anatomy of the astral body which is the more complicated matrix of existence.

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